Ian Barkaway


01622 872100

I founded Barkaways in 2011 and working with Andrea, set out to have a business that builds relationships with customers, offers honesty and integrity, high quality work and value for money; all of these enable our clients to enjoy their cars.

My knowledge and years of experience with Ferrari have led the team and resulted in the many concours award winning cars for Barkaways’ customers.

My passion with cars started from a young age and my first car was a mini which I fully restored myself. I now enjoy driving our own Ferraris and I am fortunate to own a 308 GTS and a 355. I am an IMI member and always keen to promote the Classic Engineering Industry through networking, knowledge-sharing, training and education.

I am married to Andrea and we have 3 children, Dan, Gemma and Ben, who himself is also a key member of the Barkaways team.

I like my music and if Bon Jovi is playing when you visit Barkaways you will know I have been allowed to choose the tunes!

When asked who I would want to be on a desert island with, apart from the family, I would choose Richard Branson for his entrepreneurial flair and ideas, Chris Evans so we could talk cars and James Martin so he could cook lunch and talk cars!
